A Picture of three LGBTQI Advocates conversing during a session at the ILGA Asia Conference 2022
Logo of ILGA Asia Conference 2025

Diversity Dynamics: Unifying for a Just, Inclusive, and Sustainable Asia

Our Theme

Thematic Focuses







Diverse ------ Dynamic ------ Unified ------

An image of a hand holding a rainbow flag

Conflicts and Crises Ongoing: Root Causes and Gaps in LGBTIQ Inclusive Responses

During our 2022 Conference, we dedicated space to highlight the lived realities of Asian LGBTIQ people experiencing various forms of social and humanitarian conflicts and crises—including military dictatorship and occupation, displacement and resettlement injustice, economic austerity, and violent extremism. Moving into 2025, we are still witnessing how LGBTIQ persons are inordinately impacted by these crises and left out of humanitarian and other relief responses. Sessions proposed under this theme will:

  1. Provide analysis on contemporary situations, trends, and needs by centering the voices of those on the ground and impacted the most;

  2. Unpack root causes of the conflicts and crises LGBTIQ persons and communities still live through across Asia, in order to inform solutions predicated on justice and accountability;

  3. Identify and explore gaps in and solutions for inclusive and equitable social and humanitarian policies.

Image of two queer people kissing

A Focus on Marriage Equality Movements Across Asia

Since 2022, there has been an upsurge of positive legal precedents, political will, and public want for marriage equality (and same-sex civil unions) across Asia. In Japan and Nepal, court rulings are paving the way for same sex marriage registrations and breaking down constitutional barries. In Thailand, same-sex marriage is finally one step closer to being legalized by the passing of a marriage equality bill with overwhelming public and political support. Sessions proposed under this theme will:

  1. Unpack successful advocacy strategies and create space for conversations intended to sustain momentum for marriage equality;

  2. Facilitate cross sub-regional learning, perspective, and good practice sharing;

  3. Discuss nascent marriage equality movements in countries where pressure added can lead to positive attitudinal and legislative change.

An image of two queer peson hugging and raising a rainbow flag

LGBTIQ youth across Asia experience various forms of discrimination and harassment in public and private settings. LGBTIQ youth-led movements and organizations often suffer from lack of capacity and resources, inhibiting their growth, development, and potential impact. Sessions proposed under this theme will center the voices of young LGBTIQ human rights activists and youth-led organizations in discussion on:

  1. Stock taking of the unique challenges and experiences of Asian LGBTIQ youth;

  2. Good practice for LGBTIQ youth empowerment and access to decision-making spaces;

  3. Organizational capacity building for youth-led organizations.

Centering the Voices of Asian LGBTIQ Youth

A group photo of LGBTQI advocates during the ILGA Asia Conference 2022

Navigating Legal Landscapes: Progress and Challenges since 2022

LGBTIQ communities across Asia continue to experience a mixed bag of legal and policy successes and setbacks, with serious regressions noticeable in the form of right-wing attacks on trans-inclusive legislation and the introduction of legislation that would criminalize—and in some cases prescribe capital punishment for—being LGBTIQ. But there are positive legal and policy strides being made with respect to decriminalization, gender self-recognition, and education and employment. Sessions proposed under this theme may:

  1. Take stock of the most pressing issues and affecting LGBTIQ communities across Asia with respect to legal protection and access to justice;

  2. Highlight legal and policy victories with respect to the codification of rights protections on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC), and associated advocacy campaigns and activities;

  3. Explore how regional and international human rights and sustainable development mechanisms can be leveraged to facilitate positive national law and policy change.

An image of a cloth with a rainbow painted and text "Love is Love"

Unity in Diversity: Collaborative Advocacy for Human Rights

LGBTIQ people across Asia bear multifaceted identities and often experience compounded forms of discrimination, particularly those belonging to minority groups, who live with disabilities, who are economically insecure, communities discriminated on the basis of caste, and who live with compromised health.

Building inroads and forging alliances with all relevant stakeholders—including business and private and sector—and broader human rights, economic, social, and environmental justice movements is crucial to the sustainability and mainstreaming of Asian LGBTIQ movements and communities, in all their diversity. Sessions proposed under this theme will explore emerging and strategic partnerships to unify and maximize the collective impact of our calls for economic, social, and environmental justice, and should address:

  1. Common ground and articulations between other human rights movements across Asia—including (but not limited to) feminist, racial/minority justice, sexual and reproductive health and rights, indigenous peoples, sex workers, labor, peace and anti-military, work and descent-based rights, climate justice, persons with disabilities, elder LGBTIQ communities, and LGBTIQ movements;

  2. Specific economic and social challenges—and their root causes—that minority LGBTIQ persons and communities across Asia experience, positive examples of LGBTIQ inclusive economic and social policies, and LGBTIQ inclusion in national sustainable development follow up and review processes;

  3. Private sector DEI schemes, corporate-social responsibility (CSR) projects, and other positive examples of initiatives that can contribute to the overall civil, social, and economic empowerment and inclusion of LGBTIQ communities across Asia.

An image full of rainbow flags during a pride march

Combating Anti-Rights Influence through Collective Action

Anti-rights and anti-gender actors influence, fund, and capacitate decision makers and non-state actors across Asia to develop and put into practice discriminatory laws, policies, and social practices that exacerbate pre-existing inequalities for LGBTIQ communities. Extremist and fundamentalist beliefs, oftentimes instrumentalized by these actors, provide a discursive basis for campaigns of hate, intolerance, and violence against LGBTIQ and other marginalized communities, and create barriers to services, access to justice, and contribute to shrinking civic/public space for LGBTIQ communities.

In recent years, anti-rights/gender actors have taken to spreading hate and disinformation through online mediums, presenting several risks for LGBTIQ and other human rights defenders who engage digital human rights advocacy. In addition to risks of surveillance, LGBTIQ HRDs now experience doxing, online gender based violence, and other forms of online reprisals from state and non-state actors alike. Sessions proposed under this theme will unpack:

  1. How LGBTIQ communities can coordinate strategies and messaging—including with other movements—to counter the influence and disinformation campaigns of anti-rights/gender actors in the region;

  2. Risk assessments for LGBTIQ organizations, advocacy, and other forms peace assembly, and good practices to mitigate risks of reprisals and violence;

  3. Identify and profile main funders of anti-rights/gender movements across Asia and associated organizations;

  4. Examples of reprisals that LGBTIQ HRDs and other HRDs experience as a result of their advocacy, including surveillance and data collection schemes by state agencies;

  5. Good practice and digital hygiene tips to help mitigate risks associated with online advocacy.







Diverse ------ Dynamic ------ Unified ------